Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just an Update

So I'm sorry I haven't exactly been keeping up with my blog... had midterms today and a presentation in a few hours. After that I am on the home stretch... this Sunday my core class is going to Estonia and Stockholm, which I am super excited about! I am also in the process of trying to plan my spring break... first week I'm going to Iceland with my Vikings and Sagas class and after that I'm meeting up with Ben and whoever else and going to Italy and maybe Brussels... we have to figure it out still.

I am going to participate in a panel discussion between LGBTQ students in Denmark and those in my study abroad program. I have no idea how many people will show up but Anders booked a room for 180 people! It's at the end of March but I'll keep you updated and can hopefully get it streamed online or something. I think the cultural differences and experiences will be extremely fascinating.

As you all know, I love garlic... they make this really potent garlic stuff. It's minced garlic that's left to marinate in itself with a little olive oil and it's delicious but makes your breath stink! Well basically that's what's on my lunch... yummy.

Last Wednesday my teacher took us on a tour of the Bastions of the Citadel that is still perfectly intact in Copenhagen. It was used for defense during the Early Modern period and was never disabled and has been made into a nice area to jog. Here's an aerial view:
It was super cold out but covered in a light dusting of snow. I fell in love with the contours and will definitely be taking my parents there when they visit!

We also went to Amalienborg palace and got a tour. You can't take pictures inside but it was beautiful. The inside rooms had been preserved until now because no one had been using them. They are Rococo style and lavishly decorated. My favorite room had fountains with fish carved on it.
The Danes are going home this weekend and on Sunday the Americans leave until Friday.... We're not gonna see each other for a week! So sad and weird.

So funny story... just try and visualize it. Small car from Norway that's a stick shift. 4 Americans, 1 Dane, piled inside (yes mom, all with seatbelts) and driven 3 minutes to the town center. Didn't stall once! Find two shopping carts (put coin in it so you can unlock it, get coin back when you return it.... should do this in the US). Put 7 cases of beer in one cart, and 6 cases of beer in the other. I'm pushing one cart and my friend the other. Switch off with others and eventually get it to the car. Load it up. Send it home and the rest of us walk back.

This was what we went through to provide alcohol for the party on saturday. Usually the beer gets delivered but we had to go on an adventure this time! They had to make a second trip to get 8 more cases of beer... pretty ridiculous if you think about it. We also bought food and made fried rice for dinner! yumm