Sunday, February 13, 2011

I don't even know where to begin! i haven't updated in two weeks and so much has happened!

I went on a short study tour with my Children with Special Needs class and it was fantastic. We looked at inclusive education and different examples of it working with students of varying ages. A cool video was shown to us, here's the link: i highly recommend this, it's about changing the system . We stayed in Odense and went to Hans Christian Anderson's museum and the Tinderbox. The Tinderbox is an interactive creative space where children can experience fairytales first hand. This time they had the Little Mermaid and it was super cool. Here are some pictures! We also dressed up : )

We went out in Odense the night before that and played some pool and did some dancing. We also got desert at a Turkish restaurant, it was a crepe with ice cream in the middle. it was delish.

It was a lot of fun! Classes are going well, I have a number of group projects but they are all under control. I'm currently reading Egil's Saga, which follows a viking named Egil and gives lots of
miscellaneous names and lineages. I love the book though, I would recommend everyone to read a Saga.

I finally did my laundry and cleaned my room! You guys know how messy I am so it must have been Really bad in order for me to do a massive cleaning!

It's dinner but i'll post later with landscape pictures and stuff

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