Saturday, April 16, 2011

Iceland Photos

I will of course be writing a blog post about Iceland with details but I am leaving tomorrow to go to Berlin so it will have to wait! But in the mean time here are some photos, enjoy!

                                                     Best picture I took all trip!

 Making a funny face... but the wind was blowing and I had left my coat on the bus! haha
 All geared up and ready! This is before we walked down to the Althing (the original location of parliament)
 This is the geysir...

And this is what I looked like after voluntarily standing beneath it! Ah how I love warm pee smelling water, really gets me going in the mornin'.
 In Iceland 60% of the population believes in elves... this dude made me believe in giants for a brief moment... kinda still do.

 See I can ride a horse! An Icelandic one at that! His name was Vindur and he took me off the path at one point and even tried to run away but I love him anyways. I talked to him constantly and even sang him a few songs... he was a lucky horse if I do say so myself.

This is my Ogre face, grumpy. See Dad I can do it too!

 Not my best angle but I definitely win points for being classy ;)
 Under the waterfall at the Blue Lagoon before we left for Copenhagen.
I'm pretty sure this is our only class photo and I must say we nailed it!

More to come in about a week!

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