Saturday, April 16, 2011

Iceland Photos

I will of course be writing a blog post about Iceland with details but I am leaving tomorrow to go to Berlin so it will have to wait! But in the mean time here are some photos, enjoy!

                                                     Best picture I took all trip!

 Making a funny face... but the wind was blowing and I had left my coat on the bus! haha
 All geared up and ready! This is before we walked down to the Althing (the original location of parliament)
 This is the geysir...

And this is what I looked like after voluntarily standing beneath it! Ah how I love warm pee smelling water, really gets me going in the mornin'.
 In Iceland 60% of the population believes in elves... this dude made me believe in giants for a brief moment... kinda still do.

 See I can ride a horse! An Icelandic one at that! His name was Vindur and he took me off the path at one point and even tried to run away but I love him anyways. I talked to him constantly and even sang him a few songs... he was a lucky horse if I do say so myself.

This is my Ogre face, grumpy. See Dad I can do it too!

 Not my best angle but I definitely win points for being classy ;)
 Under the waterfall at the Blue Lagoon before we left for Copenhagen.
I'm pretty sure this is our only class photo and I must say we nailed it!

More to come in about a week!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wowzers it's been a while...

a whole month has in fact passed without my checking in and writing a blog. Time is whizzing by and I'm already missing Denmark even though I'm still here. It's kind of like the second to last week of camp, it isn't ending but you start to feel nostalgic and wondering where all the time went.

The first thing I remember was not checking my email one Tuesday morning and heading to class. When I got there I checked my email at DIS and found that my class had been cancelled and I didn't have to be there until 2:50... and it was now 9:45. So instead of sulking around inside I high tailed it to Rosenborg Castle and the King's Royal Garden. I sat outside enjoying the sunshine and leaning up against a tree. It was relaxing and the first time I'd truly just sat and disconnected with school and work for a long time.

Before I talk about long study tour I'm going to mention an assignment I did just the other day. My friends Manya and Rebecca, are in The City of Copenhagen: Contemporary Issues or something like that. Either way the course is all about Copenhagen and it's development as a city. We had to go on a walking tour of Vesterbro and look at urban renewal and the different forms it could take. It was really fascinating and worth while. Each group of blocks was formulated differently and each was unique. Carsten, our professor, had us walk to a playground and of course we played on it!

We found the coolest slide ever! It had a climbing wall on the other side and you had to climb up through the parrot to get to the slide!

I think the easiest way for me to show what happened on my Long Study Tour to Tallinn and Stockholm would be to paste this link. It's to the video I made of my class and our good times. Oh and here it is again: CDD: Children with Special Needs Core class travels to Tallinn and Stockholm! It's corny but it's cool. I also did all the music on garage band. Lb and I made the first part of the first song together but I did the rest of the stuff cause I needed more material to work with.

Now back in Humlebaek it's getting warmer and warmer. I wore shorts the other day with a winter hat as I took a walk through the extensive back woods. Now that it's gotten nice out we typically go for walks after dinner and watch the sun set and wander around the fields, along the coast, or through the neighboring town. Once we gave ourselves nicknames and talked like we were gangstas... which was hilarious considering we are the whitest of the white. There are a few "gangs" in Humlebaek but they're just kids on scooters that hangout near the train stop. Super scary! ahh :p

Soooo guess who visited me for a whole week? My parents! It was super fun and awesome getting to spend time with them and have them explore Copenhagen. We went out to dinner and really yummy restaurants and went to museums. My dad and I went to Christiania but only bought fruit salad... sorry to disappoint anyone, haha but naw it was really nice to look at the art, which fills the place. There are statues and graffiti everywhere and people of all social backgrounds. It was sunny and warm so even some families were there. It was a major "go there after work" day so people in business suits holding joints were a common occurrence. Dogs were also running around all over the place. Dad and I walked up onto the former bastions that had been landscaped into a park of some sort.

I'm waiting for my mom to send me the pictures she took throughout the trip and then I will add some here. She and I had a lovely time at meals catching up. It was difficult to balance classes and seeing my parents, so by the end of the week I was exhausted. We spent Saturday going to brunch at the hotel (I stayed at Manya's in the city so I didn't have to commute) and then went to Helsingor to look at Hamlet's castle. We then came back to get lunch, but there wasn't any, so instead I showed them around Krogerup and we went to the Louisiana Modern Art Museum for lunch. They also went and looked at the Picasso exhibit while I wandered around trying not to fall asleep! We then walked back to Krogerup and packed a suitcase of my stuff for them to bring home. Walked them to the train, and said our goodbyes. Waved them off, walked back to Krogerup and sat on a hay bale watching the sun go down. Lasagna for dinner, cooked by other students(every Saturday night we cook our own dinner). Then I went to take a nap at 9 pm... but didn't wake up until 9 am the next day! I slept through people knocking on my door and yelling my name, so I guess I really was that tired!

Parents got home safely and everything is going well. Did my group presentation on Inclusive education on Monday and have started reading 101 Reykjavik for class. It's by Hallgrimur Helgason and is extremely well written. Apparently one in ten Icelanders will publish a book during their life, which is astonishing! Good for them!

No class or field studies today so I'm gonna write my paper that's due on Friday and watch a movie. I've been playing hours upon hours of card games, mainly President & Asshole, and Egyptian Ratscrew!