Monday, January 24, 2011

first weekend

friday night: party held by DIS in a discotech was awesome. my friend and i unknowingly wore matching shirts. it was awesome. it was a club with crazy lights and free beer and champagne and apparently wine, which i didn't find out about until we left : / i love wine so kinda sad. anyways really fun dancing. made some new friends and talked to some acquaintances a bit. if you want more details i can tell you but not on my lovely blog that my family can read. hi mom hi dad i know you're reading this :p

saturday: went winter bathing in the baltic sea! we intended on dunking but it didn't drop off fast enough so we ended up running out by the time we waded up to our knee and were numb for a few minutes. so glad i did it though!

we cooked dinner for ourselves on saturday night and did it family dinner style. next weekend i'm cooking with a few jews and we intend on making some jewish food : D

saturday night: one of the halls hosted a party for everyone which was super heroes versus evil villains. it was epic! my friend ben and i were twins again and did a mafia/mob type outfit. others were the incredibles, powderpuff girls, twoface, wonderwoman, catwoman, QUAILMAN!! remember when i was quailman last year? haha it was a great night. i put up pictures on fb too. basically a great day. stayed up till 4am but also got up at 10:30 for breakfast! and didn't take a nap! such a win

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