Monday, January 24, 2011

first weekend

friday night: party held by DIS in a discotech was awesome. my friend and i unknowingly wore matching shirts. it was awesome. it was a club with crazy lights and free beer and champagne and apparently wine, which i didn't find out about until we left : / i love wine so kinda sad. anyways really fun dancing. made some new friends and talked to some acquaintances a bit. if you want more details i can tell you but not on my lovely blog that my family can read. hi mom hi dad i know you're reading this :p

saturday: went winter bathing in the baltic sea! we intended on dunking but it didn't drop off fast enough so we ended up running out by the time we waded up to our knee and were numb for a few minutes. so glad i did it though!

we cooked dinner for ourselves on saturday night and did it family dinner style. next weekend i'm cooking with a few jews and we intend on making some jewish food : D

saturday night: one of the halls hosted a party for everyone which was super heroes versus evil villains. it was epic! my friend ben and i were twins again and did a mafia/mob type outfit. others were the incredibles, powderpuff girls, twoface, wonderwoman, catwoman, QUAILMAN!! remember when i was quailman last year? haha it was a great night. i put up pictures on fb too. basically a great day. stayed up till 4am but also got up at 10:30 for breakfast! and didn't take a nap! such a win

Friday, January 21, 2011

inspirational quotes and concepts

things i jot down in classes that my teachers and friends say. this will get updated throughout the semester:

-to treat everyone equally you have to treat them differently

-lived democracy: voice of child is important and they can make their own choices... let the child live with freedom and negotiation

-about DC: you can smell power in the air

-you can read information from everything you see
          -text is found on stairs, buildings, everywhere

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

over the stream and through the woods

to DIS i go! in order to get to the city i must trek 15 minutes through the woods! the ice has finally melted from the path so getting to the train is getting easier. it's a really nice way to wake myself up, it's chilly though. i walk by hills that will be good for sledding if it snows again.

the train itself is similar to the commuter rail and takes about 30 minutes. i can now get around the city pretty well, we went on a tour around the city yesterday! it was fantastic and saw a bunch of older buildings and the new library. i went to king square, the black diamond, the palace, the canal, the parliament, and pretty much everywhere else. it was beautiful even in the winter.

i live in a single on a hall with 7 other americans, and there are four more of us on the next hall. above us and around live 70 danes, in singles and doubles. we eat meals all together at 8 am and 6 pm, and grab lunch in the city or pack it. i'm currently sitting in the fire/tea room in front of the fireplace with some friends. i did my reading for tomorrow, i have my intro to the practicum class... where i will find out where i will be hanging out with kids and how old they will be.

we spent our second night here in the bar downstairs, it's a classy frat house style room with a fooseball table, and candles. the beer is delicious and it's $1 per beer, which is awesome. in the city it won't be the same price. there's beautiful "cave man art" as my friend says, down there. it's kinda raunchy but comforting. the whole feel to this place is magical and homey, it's very hygge as they say here. i learned how to order a beer in danish, i dont have the right keys on this comp but it sounds like this: mo yi fo en ul . but its spelled with ma and a circle over it, it's really interesting.

i found a lego store with giant lego people in it... got on a bike, a lego one that is.

this friday there's a DIS party in the city for all of us... but to be honest i'm so much more excited about the super hero and evil villain themed party that's gonna happen here! how awesome is that haha

and in case anyone was wondering i'm sorry to tell you that the majority of people here are brunette! and not everyone is super tall, it's pretty much the same as in the US... sorry guys if you were looking to come here and score a hot, blonde, tall, danish wife. they exist but not in the majority like we were all led believe. they are super nice but i must admit its hard to learn their names since they have different sounds and arent recognizeable.

on saturday we're gonna jump into the baltic sea here and dunk to symbolize our being here and friendship... it's gonna be awesome!

i joined the choir here on monday nights haha which is awesome and a nice way to relax.

okay i'm gonna grab a beer downstairs and chill... it's so nice to be able to say that!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Take Off

It's 3 in the morning and I'm all packed and ready to leave Boston for Copenhagen, Denmark! My flight leaves at 8:30 pm and I will arrive at noon on the 16th.

I will be living at the Krogerup Højskole in Humlebæk, which is an old fishing hamlet about an hour outside of Copenhagen, where I'm taking classes. I'll be living on an estate with twelve other Americans and a bunch of Danes.  This photo was taken in the spring or summer but I'm sure the estate will be just as beautiful in the winter. I'm excited to explore!

I will be making updates about my adventures in the land of the Danes, my classes, and will be sharing pictures and stories. This blog is as much for me to keep track of memories as is it for you to read about them!
